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A creative approach to deliver real customers value

This masterclass explores the principles of Entrepreneurial Design Thinking and its applications. You will understand how leading organizations such as Airbnb, Google and Oral B use this technique to create value. You’ll also gain hands-on experience through practical exercises. You will apply some of the components yourself immediately in a few exercises.

After this master class, you will have gained experience in holding empathetic conversations and various brainstorming techniques. You will have clarity in which cases to apply Entrepreneurial Design Thinking and how to solve complex issues with real value for the end user.

In this training, you will learn

  • Brief introduction STUDIO.WHY
  • Overview of common innovation methodologies.
  • Entrepreneurial Design Thinking
  • Interactive Case Study
  • Learn even more
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A creative approach to deliver real customers value

May 9, 2025, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

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About the host


Kees Froeling

Kees is an enterprising networker who enjoys connecting people. Kees helps people to move forward, sees connections and creates opportunities, both as an individual and in a team. Through the combination of practical experience and his ability to establish and maintain new relationships, he is also able to create an environment in which solutions arise for difficult issues.
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