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Highly skilled internationals – a pool of untapped talent for the Dutch labor force!

We are facing increasing shortages on the Dutch labor market. Yet, many hiring managers and recruiters overlook a large pool of untapped talent: highly skilled migrants. Many of whom are already in the Netherlands. 

The number of international students in the Netherlands has been on the rise for many years. As a matter of fact, it has more than tripled since 2005/2006! In academic year 2021/2022, 40% of all first-year students at Dutch universities was international! These will graduate one day and will be looking for a job in our country. 

Also, more and more (mid)senior professionals come to our country on a highly skilled migrant visa. 

So, who are these highly skilled internationals and how can you make them part of your organization? 

This session will give more practical insight in:

  • Who these highly skilled internationals are;
  • Where you can find them;
  • How you can hire, onboard and integrate them in your existing workforce.
For whom
This session is for everyone who wants to learn more about new ways of finding talented colleagues and hiring highly skilled internationals. 

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Door Open Dutch Doors

Highly skilled internationals – a pool of untapped talent for the Dutch labor force!

June 20, 2023, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

About the host

Open Dutch Doors

Sandrine de Goede

My name is Sandrine de Goede and I am founder of Open Dutch Doors – a company that connects highly educated internationals that look for work in the Netherlands and employers in this country that want to find, attract and keep (inter)national talent. I am a global citizen who was born and raised in the Netherlands and who has lived multiple years in foreign countries. My company builds on this intercultural experience and combines it with my 20 years of work experience and network in various industries in the Netherlands.
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