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Diversity and Including behaviour in the Tech World: A Path to Progress

The tech industry has often been characterized by its lack of diversity, particularly in the fields of IT/OT software development, data science, and leadership. It’s high time we reevaluate the status quo and address the gender gap, among other disparities in the tech sector. As the demand for tech professionals continues to surge and the pivotal role technology plays in our lives becomes increasingly evident, Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is more critical than ever. To be even more explicit, it is about being “including” as it should be considered a verb rather than a once-achieved status lasting through time.

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming event in partnership with Yokogawa, featuring Nienke Gerridzen, the European Operations Manager of Digital Enterprise Solutions at Yokogawa. Voted by MT/Sprout for the Next Leadership 50, Nienke is an inspiring leader who has taken the helm of a European team responsible for the technology and consultancy delivery of the digital portfolio. Her experience and insights in the tech industry are invaluable.

Join us at our upcoming event with Yokogawa and Nienke Gerridzen as we delve into the world of tech and explore the pressing topics of Diversity and Inclusion. Our event aims get in conversation with each other about the topic and to provide valuable insights and answers to questions such as:

  • Why is Diversity and Inclusion crucial in the tech industry?
  • How can you, your team and environment play a role in being “including”?
  • Why is gender diversity a critical aspect of the tech sector, and how can we support women working in this field?

This event promises to be an enlightening experience, featuring an esteemed leader who has successfully navigated the intricacies of the tech industry. Together, we will start a course toward a more inclusive and diverse tech world, where every voice is valued and empowered to contribute to innovation and progress.

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Door Yokogawa

Diversity and Including behaviour in the Tech World: A Path to Progress

June 25, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

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About the host


Nienke Gerridzen

Nienke Gerridzen is European Operations Manager Digital Enterprise Solutions at Yokogawa. Is responsible for the technology/consultancy team for the digital portfolio (e.g., Energy Management, Digitalization, IIoT, IT/OT integration, Cyber Security, & Process Automation/Optimization).
en_USEnglish (United States)