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Masters of Innovation: AI driven change by bit

“A safe space where amazing people generously give.”

This is how participants (from Nike, Telefónica, APG, ABN AMRO) describe our Masters of Innovation gatherings.

What is Masters of Innovation
This event is for innovators and individuals working on innovations – whether inside organizations or in collaboration with large companies. It’s an intimate gathering where innovation professionals share their organization’s challenges, and are inspired by the input of others.

Masters of Innovation x bit
AI can no longer be ignored by anyone who wants to stay relevant with their business operations. We all understand it’s importance, but if you don’t understand it’s full capabilities then it becomes hard to see the possibilities and opportunities it brings.

For our next edition, we’re partnering up with bit to host Masters of Innovation. The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is known as a prominent center for research and education in the field of artificial intelligence. Many of its top graduates work at BIT, collaborating closely with renowned companies such as KLM, Louwman, Arriva, Enexis, UWV, and the Port of Rotterdam to tackle some of the most pressing global challenges.

What insights do these experts offer, and what lessons can we learn from their experiences? How can AI be leveraged not merely as a tool for innovation, but as a catalyst for transformative change?

During an interactive session Co-founder of bit, Marco reveals the key ingredients that fuel success in the fast-paced world of technology. You will gain valuable insights into the intersection of artificial intelligence, disruptive thinking, and connecting the dots, and learn how to apply this winning equation to your own endeavours. During the fireside chat we will delve deeper into the possibilities and discuss challenges innovation professionals are facing.

The programme
15:30 – 16:00 – Walk-in
16:00 – 16:15 – Introduction
16:15 – 16:30 – Keynote by Marco, co-founder bit
16:30 – 17:00 – Fireside chat
17:00 – 17:30 – Discuss innovation challenges
17:30 – 19:00 – Drinks and snacks

We invite you to get inspired, challenge one another, and make meaningful connections over drinks and snacks.

Since we aim to cultivate a safe space that encourages honesty, real challenges, and deep insights, every request is reviewed manually.

Note: Click on the ‘add to calendar’ button after signing up.
Door Aimforthemoon

Masters of Innovation: AI driven change by bit

May 28, 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm

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About the host



AImforthemoon is a corporate innovation studio that test, builds and scales corporate ventures and innovation strategies.
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