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Interactive Virtual Session: Unlocking Accelerated Innovation & Revenue Growth

Join us for a hands-on session where digital transformation experts Nico de Haan and Jorden Vogel from PA Consulting share how they helped a company struggling with revenue, slow innovation, and poor team collaboration.

In this session, you’ll learn how they:

  • Prioritized innovations that drive success
  • Accelerated the innovation process
  • Boosted team collaboration
  • Increased revenue and reduced discounting

  • If you’re an innovation, product, or sales leader in FMCG or physical products, this session is for you. Don’t miss out on practical strategies & tactics to improve your results!

    Note: Click on the ‘add to calendar’ button after signing up. You will receive the zoomlink separately.
    Door PA Consulting

    Interactive Virtual Session: Unlocking Accelerated Innovation & Revenue Growth

    October 9, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

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    About the host

    PA Consulting

    Nico de Haan

    As a Principal Consultant with focus on the Consumer & Manufacturing sector, Nico brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to the table. Hiss focus is not just on consulting, but on catalyzing real change and tangible results.
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