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LinkedIn 500+: How to Expand My Network?

Most of us recognize the value of building a relevant network, and LinkedIn has become an almost indispensable tool for that purpose. But how do you effectively use LinkedIn to build, maintain, and stay relevant in your network?

In this training, you will learn:
  • Learn how to actually use LinkedIn to manage and expand your network.
  • Evaluate whether you are easily discoverable by others.
  • Make new connections through LinkedIn.

  • Note: Click on the ‘add to calendar’ button after signing up. You will receive the zoomlink separately
    Door WeShareTalent

    LinkedIn 500+: How to Expand My Network?

    July 9, 10:00 am – 11:30 am

    About the host


    Thomas den Hartog

    Meet Thomas den Hartog, the enthusiastic in-house trainer and facilitator at WeShareTalent. You’ll often find him not only leading engaging sessions but also hosting various events on the WeShareTalent platform. Thomas is on a mission to guide individuals toward their full potential, bringing more joy and fulfillment into both their work and personal lives. Join him on this transformative journey, and let’s unlock your best self together!
    en_USEnglish (United States)