It’s time to wake up energetic and get rid of sleepless nights. “Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality”, says sleep researcher and bestselling author ‘Why We Sleep’ Matt Walker. In an interactive session you will learn about this superpower and you will have the opportunity to ask all your sleep-related questions to a sleep coach. Vitality coach Pjotr Peulen likes to share how he helps clients sleep better and deeper. The science is further than you probably think in unraveling many sleep mysteries. Together with Pjotr you can get acquainted with the latest neuroscientific breakthroughs and take the first step towards a better night’s sleep.
During this session the following questions will be answered:
Why do we sleep?
What happens while sleeping?
How can you actually sleep better?
And there is room to get answers to your own questions
Note: Click on the ‘add to calendar’ button after signing up. You will receive the zoomlink separately.
Vitaliteitscoach Pjotr Peulen richt zich met een unieke wetenschappelijke methode op drie thema’s rondom jouw mentaal welzijn.
Gebaseerd op overtuigend bewijs uit de wetenschap.