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Successfully Relaxing

Do you regularly experience stress and exhaustion, and find it difficult to recharge? You are certainly not alone: modern life, with its constant digital and social stimuli, and numerous obligations, creates noticeable pressure for this working generation. This workshop provides insight into why meditation and/or yoga are far from vague mumbo-jumbo, but rather valuable tools in today’s hectic society.

Experience how meditation can help reduce the clutter in your mind. It will also help you, in combination with yoga, to better connect with your own body, because how can you set boundaries if you don’t feel them?

What will you learn during this session: 

  • Discuss the challenges of working life.
  • Gain a new perspective on productivity.
  • Learn to pause to move forward with meditation.
  • Receive tools to experience more calm… even amidst daily busyness.
Note: Click on the ‘add to calendar’ button after signing up. You will receive the zoomlink separately.
Door WeShareTalent

Successfully Relaxing

April 3, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

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About the host


Thomas den Hartog

Thomas den Hartog, as a trainer and yoga teacher, guides professionals in unlocking their full potential, enabling them to not only find greater happiness in their work but also contribute more to society. His own experience with the challenges of modern working life has inspired Thomas to conduct years of research into how vitality and mental well-being can contribute to a balanced life. During this exploration, he has discovered and experienced that yoga and meditation are powerful yet often underutilized tools for people with highly stressful jobs. With this workshop, Thomas offers an accessible introduction to this subject and shares practical tools to reduce stress, set boundaries, and experience more peace in daily life.
en_USEnglish (United States)