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Unwritten rules and their implications in the Dutch workplace

During this session we will elaborate on the cultural and language challenges in the Dutch workplace and their effects on colleagues with a refugee background and/or people with other cultural backgrounds than the Dutch. 

Dutch culture is one thing, corporate culture is another one. For many employees with a refugee background or non-Dutch cultural background, navigating corporate rules can be complex and confusing. In addition to that, the workplace represents a complex, dynamic setting where newcomers experience a double socialization: into the discourses of the workplace, which all new employees experience, and into the specific language practices that realize these discourses. 

 We ask all participants of this workshop to think about the unwritten rules (‘codes’) and usage of language (‘jargon’) in their own workplace, to reflect on during the workshop.      .

This session is meant for everyone: native Dutch professionals and professionals from other cultural backgrounds.

In this training, you will learn
  • Gain insights into the Dutch (working) culture and its (unwritten) rules, from an intercultural perspective;
  • Learn about the use of language (jargon, jokes) and underlying meaning/values;
  • Get inspired by the personals stories and tips & tricks.

  • Note: Click on the ‘add to calendar’ button after signing up. The zoomlink will be sent in the confirmation email.
    Door Refugee Talent Hub

    Unwritten rules and their implications in the Dutch workplace

    November 19, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

    Thank you for signing up!

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    About the host

    Refugee Talent Hub

    Batsheba White and Dennis Aarnink

    About the trainers Batsheba White is a Sr. Partnership manager at Refugee Talent Hub, responsible for knowledge sharing and advisory, amongst other things. Dennis Aarnink is responsible for the communications and programs at Refugee Talent Hub. About Refugee Talent Hub The Refugee Talent Hub is an employer’s initiative, with more than 50 affiliated employers. Most of them are corporates, such as Accenture, Arcadis, Microsoft, Unilever and TenneT. Refugee Talent Hub bridges the gap between employers and refugees with paid jobs as the final goal. The dream of Refugee Talent Hub is a country in which employers see the talents of refugees, and refugees therefore have equal chances in the Dutch labor market. Refugee Talent Hub organizes activities and programs where meeting each other face to face plays an important role.
    en_USEnglish (United States)