LinkedIn 500+: How to Expand My Network?

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(This event is in English) Most of us recognize the value of building a relevant network, and LinkedIn has become an almost indispensable tool for that purpose. But how do you effectively use LinkedIn to build, maintain, and stay relevant in your network?


The Miracle Morning

WeShareTalent | Online via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

(This event is in English) Unlock Your Superhero Potential with The Miracle Morning Workshop. Transform the way you approach your mornings and get empowered to start your day like a superhero!


Nooit meer saaie online meetings

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Virtual Event Virtual Event

Onze huistrainer Thomas den Hartog is getraind in de XCHANGE Approach, een Amerikaanse methodiek die zich richt op het creëren van transformatieve ervaringen voor groepen door het stellen van de juiste vragen en het creëren van een veilige omgeving waarin iedereen zich gehoord voelt.


Networking: How to Make a Lasting First Impression

WeShareTalent | Online via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

(This event is in English) Networking: Some people are naturally adept at it, while others find it to be an unfamiliar process. Whether you feel that your networking skills are already quite well-developed or you indeed feel a bit awkward when it comes to making (new) connections, after this training, you will get more out of your own network!


Piketty: Kapitaal en Ideologie

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Virtual Event Virtual Event

In deze boeklezing van anderhalf uur wordt het boek Kapitaal en ideologie van  econoom Thomas Piketty besproken. In dit boek gaat Piketty in op de markt, winst en kapitaal.


Cialdini’s 6 Secrets to Convince People

WeShareTalent | Online via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

(This event is in English) Consciously or unconsciously, we try to influence our co-workers every single day. This can be during a presentation at work where you want to excite your colleagues in your project, raking in a new client or convincing your boss that you are ready for the next level.


The Miracle Morning

WeShareTalent | Online via Zoom
Virtual Event Virtual Event

(This event is in English) Unlock Your Superhero Potential with The Miracle Morning Workshop. Transform the way you approach your mornings and get empowered to start your day like a superhero!
